Safety Job Site Audits

Planning your work is part of accident and injury prevention. It is just one of many ways to prevent accidents or injuries in the workplace. Knowing and understanding what hazards are present in the workplace is key to this effort. Given the dynamics of any job site, inspections of the work area will flush out concerns, offer opportunity for coaching and mentoring while creating a winning safety culture for your business and employees.

Site inspection becomes critical when you are operating in a multi-employer work environment. Other trades and business operators could very well be creating hazards for your employees. You very well could be creating hazards for others. As a business owner it is your responsibility to know this. Only through regular site inspection are you going to navigate this topic successfully.

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Virtual Safety Man strives to be the best at offering expertise in safety services to business owners and employees. Business owners and employees can benefit from many years of experience with our team members which include, staff professionals who are all broad based in their safety & management skills and considered industry experts. Our team’s talents include, but are not limited to: Licensed Professional Engineers, Board Certified Safety Professionals, Certified Crane Operators, OSHA Outreach Instructors, National Safety Council Instructors, Private Investigators, and Licensed Instrument Pilots.

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